Upcoming events.
St. Joseph Fish Fry
Join us for the first fish fry of the Lenten season at St. Joseph Hall.
Mass at St. Joseph
Thursday after Ash Wed.
Mass intentions: Faithful Departed of both parishes
Mass at St. Edward
Friday of 7th week of OT)
Mass intentions: John G. Wright (the elder)
Mass at St. Edward
St. Peter Damian, Bishop & Dr. of Church
Mass Intentions: Holy Souls in Purgatory
Announcements and events in the area:
We are running low on Mass Intentions!! If you have someone you would like to remember or honor with a Mass, please give their name to Chris Davis or Fr. Jim. The customary offering for a mass is $10.
VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children Training:
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 9:00am at the Diocesan Curia
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 9:00am OR 6:00pm at the Diocesan Curia.
Next Fish Fry is March 14, 2025 at St. Joseph Hall at 5pm-8pm
This one is open to the public, so spread the word! We will need donations of 2 Liters of soda pop, jugs of iced tea and/or lemonade, and desserts, as well as volunteers to help with setup, cooking, and cleaning up afterwards. Thank you all for your help with this new event that will build fellowship. Let’s all work together to make it a great success!
Fr. Hennigen will be doing a talk and Q&A at St. Paul Church on March 24th at 7pm. The topic will be March’s Dedication - Saint Joseph. All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served after. The address is: 7301 Dixie Hwy., Florence, KY 41042.
Hallelujah Girls! At the Historic Hoosier Theatre in Vevay, IN – March 14-15, 7:00 pm and March 16, 2:00 pm. Parishioner Barbie Wright is in the play and would love it if you can all come! Tickets are $10 and are available at the door.
Weeds & Wheat Retreat:
It’s easy to remember the things that have flopped, the weeds that have been growing amidst the wheat. Let’s take some time to step away and reflect on both the weeds, the wheat, and what we can learn from both to see the fruit of the Lord’s work in our ministry. Join us for this Reflection on Matthew 13:24-30 with presenter, Pete Burds, the National Evangelization Team (NET) Vice President for Mission, on Thursday, March 27, 2025, 6:00-9:00pm at the Diocesan Curia. This evening retreat is FREE. Registration is required. Registration is due on Monday, March 17, 2025.
The 19th annual Swing into Spring Fundraiser for DCCH Center for Children and Families will be held on April 26, 2025, at Turfway Park in Florence, KY. Buy a ticket to the event, participate in our online silent auction, or purchase your Care for Kids Raffle ticket today, to support the healing of children and families affected by abuse and neglect in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
The cost per ticket is $20.00.
Three winners will be drawn at the event on Apr. 26 to win $10,000, $2,500 or $1,000.
For more information, please go to http://www.dcchcenter.org/events/swing-into-spring-2025/